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Metabolic Health Score
Metabolic Health Score
Alex avatar
Written by Alex
Updated over a week ago

Meet your North Star!

The Metabolic Health Score is your guiding metric for staying on track toward your health goals.

Because improving your health is not just about glucose - it's the complete picture.

Metabolic Health Score combines habits (step count and sleep duration), diet (food quality and meal scores), and glucose (variability, morning glucose, and average glucose).

You can continue to go through the Veri program using Metabolic Health Score with or without a sensor as long as you have worn one sensor in the past. Your glucose numbers will update every additional sensor.

Your habits, diet, and glucose levels all have equal weight in the score.

If you scroll down the page, you'll be able to see the contributors. Tap into each contributor to get more details.

How should I use this score?

  • Think of this score as a guide, not a mandate. You don't have to be perfect, some days will be better than others. For instance, if you're traveling, you can forgive yourself for not sleeping as well.

  • Pick a contributor that you are not doing as well on. Make that your focus for a week. For instance, if your habit contributors are low because of a low step count, make it your mission to take a walk after every meal. This is a habit stack that will increase your step count, help lower your glucose curve, and improve your overall health.

  • Check in daily even if you don't have a sensor! We've engineered Metabolic Health Score to still provide value even without glucose data. It's a great way to stay on track between sensors, especially with features like Estimated Meal Scores that don't need a sensor.

Interested in seeing how you've improved over time? Tap "Trends" to see how you're progressing. The Metabolic Health Score is all about accountability! If you're trending up, great! Keep going. If you're trending down, don't worry; each day is a new opportunity to get better.

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